Thursday, August 13, 2009

Our Dino makes #1 with "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime"

Hey pallies, likes our remembrance of one of the greatest of the great days in Dinohistory draweth be precise....August 15, 1964. For, it was on the ides of August in the year of our Dino 1964, that our great man knocked the Beatles off the top of the music charts with what has become his signature ballad of amore, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime.

For all true Dinoholics, August 15, 1964 stands as a watershed date for our Dino....the day that our Dino proved he was able to take on the reignin' music makers of the day, The Beatles, and show them once and for all who was the greatest.
For our Dino to accomplish this feat, there had to be pallies of all ages who purchased 45's of "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."

No one besides our Dino was able to accomplish this we honor this important date in Dinohistory in showin' the greatness of our great man. In fact, it was after our Dino blew the Beatles off that he sent a telegram to the Elvis that he had taken care of this pallies for the both of 'em.

Today, tomorrow, and on Saturday, the actual anniversary of this Dinofeat, we will be celebratin' our Dino's amazin' accomplishment with posts related to "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."

Today, we begin by sharin' a cool youtube clip of someone playin' the original 45 that led to our Dino goin' to the top of the charts. Enjoy pallies...VIVA our DINO!!!! Dinocelebratin', DMP


  1. Oh how i love that song : ) I think i will listen to it wright now! To celebrate : )

  2. Gorgeous. Although I must say, I love it when he sings in Italian (Volare, Mambo Italiano), and I like to sing "Ain't that a kick in the head" when I'm in the shower. But perhaps that's TMI?

  3. Hey pallie, yes, by all means joins the Dinocelebration....loves how in our Dino's singin'...he is such a wise much true in this Dinoclassic...

  4. Hey pallie, no one sings Italiano likes our Dino...naw, it's just your Dinoholicism showin'....and our Ben would be so so proud of your Dinoaddiction....
