Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hangin' with our Dino

Hey pallies, likes I been visitin' our Dinolovin' pallie Maria over at her blogg and she recently posted some truly wonderful pixs of our Dino (aren't they all!)...well just couldn't resist passin' this one 'long to all my Dinoholic pallies. Looks to me likes this was a posed shot to promote one of the Matt Helm capers, buts likes I can't tell which Dino-one it view this pix in it's original format and all the other great Dinoposes from Maria, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram. Dinodiggin', DMP


  1. Hey pallie, likes all my thanks to you for scoutin' our such stellar pixs of our Dino...betcha you woulda loves to be one of the chicks hangin' on our Dino!?!?!??!

  2. Hey pallie, just knews that woulda be your Dinowonderin' which of the four postions you woulda wanna have most....Dinorightup, Dinoleftup, Dinodownright, Dinodownleft?

  3. Dinoleftup... but as long as it's near him it doesn't really matter :P

  4. Hey pallie, just knews you woulda resume a top Dinoposition...'cause you wanna be a close to our Dino as possible...thanks so much for sharin' this picture woulda loves to learn the Dinohistory of it...can't tell which of the Matt Helm flicks this musta be from...but such a warm and invitin' picture of our great man...

  5. I think it's from his third Matt Helm movie...
    I have posted more Dino picture, so just take a look if u like : )

  6. Hey pallie Maria, thinks that you are prob Dinocorrect...will be Dinoviewin' very Dinoshortly...thanks so sure knows how to show true Dinopalliedom...
