Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Dean Martin: I celebrate his entire catalog.

Hey pallies, likes it is just so Dinomagical to keeps findin' more and more pallies liftin' up the name of our Dino and speakin' of their Dinodevotion to our great man.

The latest show of Dinolove comes from a dude tagged Joe Holleman at his stltoday (St. Louis Post Dispatch) pad "Yakkin' With The Sherpa." In his post "Out, damn song!" pallie Joe speaks of his Dinodevotion in such brillant Dinoterms..."Dean Martin: I celebrate his entire catalog." Mr. Holleman even shares a cool Dinotrib from youtube of "Ain't That A Kick In The Head"...one that I have never seen before.

Thanks to our pallie for sharin' with his readers his pure Dinopassion...sure to bring others to know, love, and honor our Dino. To read the whole post, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram. Celebratin' our Dino with ya, DMP

08.03.2009 8:00 am

Out, damn song!
By Joe Holleman: Life Sherpa

You know how it goes. You’re just about into work and they play some song on the radio. Maybe it’s good, maybe it’s not, but you’re stuck singing it for the rest of the day.

This phenomenon is a good reason to listen to CDs or an iPod while driving. Just this past Friday, I spent most of my day singing “I Can Dream About You,” that vapid Dan Hartman song from “Streets of Fire.”

It could have been worse. The song could have been ”Hollaback Girl” by Gwen Stefani all day long. And trust me on this, a 51-year-old guy gets strange looks when he warbles that song in the office (especially that “this s*** is bananas” chorus).

Fortunately, I have picked up a few songs over the years that are always stuck in my head, ready and able to push out the annoying tune I heard before I got out of the car. Here is this short list of Holleman Faves that will surface for no apparent reason in the musical part of my brain and trip off my tongue, horribly out of tune, for the better part of a day.

Dean Martin: I celebrate his entire catalog. If life is good and you’re feeling especially cool, you can’t go wrong with Dino. And if you have to have a song stuck in your head today, pally, this one is a bona fide classic:

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