Monday, July 06, 2009

Introducin' Dinoholic Ry "Dino" Decker

Hey pallies, likes a new Dinofeature is debutin' this very Dinoday at ilovedinomartin. For quite the few now, I have been desirin' to feature the stories of others who loves our Dino as much as I do some written interviews with pallies who know, love, and desire to become more like our Dino.

I wanna thank my pallie Ry "Dino" Decker for bein' the first to consent to be interviewed and have his Dinotale shared here at this little ilovedinomartin Dinoblog. I got to know Ry over at myspace where I found him through his association with the Dino music site there. I have found him to be one totally sold out dude to our Dino and I knows you are goin' love to get to know him as well.

On of the thin's I love 'bout my pallie Ry is pure and simply this is one guy who loves our Dino and ain't afraid to share it with others...helpin' to turn others on to our great man and makin' 'em Dinoholics as well.

So enjoy readin' Ry's Dinojourney, and if you woulda likes to have your Dinostory told here, just let's me know....I think it is gonna be great to read how others were led to our Dino and how it has changed their lives. Dinopsyched, DMP

Would you begin by tellin' us a little bit 'bout your self?

Well, my name is Ryan. I'm 23 and just about to get out of the army. I figure six years and two deployments is good enough for 'em

Please tell us about when and how you first encountered our Dino?

I first encountered our Dino when I saw the movie Rio Bravo. What a great movie that is. I knew right then and there he was the king of cool. How many cowboys are named just Dude? The man was incredible!

What changes in your life did you start to notice as you became more and more under the influence of our Dino?

I started to explore the lounge music more and then I started making more sarcastic jokes. I learned that being serious wasnt any fun.

How have you tried to emulate our Dino?

Well, my nickname at the local bar is Dino on account of my lucky strikes, whiskey, and ability to drink. Also, my personality, attitude and jokes.

In what ways have you experienced our Dino guidin' and directin' your life?

This is a good question. Dino has guided me through my musical life and in my relationships with women by always giving me advice through his great music. Also, believe it or not but a lot of ladies love to just sit back, relax, and enjoy some Dino.

What does knowin' our Dino mean to you?

Knowing Dino means the party is never gonna end. Even without all the fun stuff like booze just jamming to Dino is a good time in itself.

I know as a military man that you have had to spend time in the Sand Box (middle east). Would you tell us the ways that our Dino has comforted and sustained you during this difficult time?

Dino was always my chill out music. When things would get to crazy I'd plug into some Dino via my Zune. He always helped me relax and reminded me never to be too serious.

What is your favorite favorite piece of Dinowisdom that you try to follow?

You ain't drunk if you can lay on the floor without hangin on.

Would you tell us about your Dinotreasure?

My Dino treasure is a picture I have of him from Rio Bravo, with his colt peacemaker. It goes every where with me. Probably one of my favorite Dinopieces.

Tell us about your favorite Dinosong and Dinoflick....what makes 'em your favs?

Rio Bravo is my favorite Dinoflick just because it shows what a great actor he is and it also shows how he loved to sing and that was his number one passion (next to booze of course). My favorite Dinotune is Everybody Loves Somebody because no matter where I am I always knows it Dino just by the string intro. It always makes me smile.

In what ways have you tried to help others come to know, love, and grow in our Dino?

I love introducing people to his great music and slick flicks by loaning out CDs and DVDs.

What does it mean to you to be welcomed into our Dino's world?

It means a lot. It means the King of Cool is watching over me and things are gonna be a real blast.

Anythin' else you would like us to know about your relationship with our Dino?

No matter what happens you can always rely on Dino for a little motivation and relaxation.


  1. Hey pallie DMP. Wow! Great q&a. I enjoyed reading. It's always nice to learn about Dinoholics. Thanks for sharing this with us. Good idea. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, always lookin' for more Dinowayss to encourage others in their Dinodevotion...btw, woulda you likes to be interviewed for this new Dinofeature?

  3. Wow this was great to read ; )

  4. Hey pallie Maria, couldn't help but think that this is the kinda guy you would hope to meet up with some day....someone who loves our Dino likes you do...btw, woulda you be interested in bein' featured here at ilovedinomartin with a Dinointerview?

  5. oh thanks ^^
    Yes off course : )

  6. Hey pallie Maria, great, if you send me an email to my email at so that I can gets your email address....I will prepare a special set of Dinoquestions for you to answer...
