Thursday, July 23, 2009

Deana Martin makes family legacy her own

Hey pallies, likes here's a story 'bout Dino's girlpallie Deana from the News-Leader goes there, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram. Regular followers of this blogg knows where I stand with Deana, but I does loves how she retells here how the Elvis dubbed our Dino as the "King of Cool."

I'm always glad to see the name of our Dino lifted up and am sure that Deana's work is at least helpin' that to happen a bit...but likes how brash of her to wanna have her new CD win a woulda never hear our Dino say such a thin'...woulda our Dino care if one of his albums got an way...our great man is detached from such thoughts.... Dinoreportin', DMP

Deana Martin makes family legacy her own

When Elvis Presley was introduced to Dean Martin's daughter Deana, Elvis leaned in and said, "'They call me the King of Rock and Roll, but your dad is the King of Cool ,'" recalls Deana Martin.

"I almost died," she said. "It has to be true, Elvis Presley thinks my dad is the King of Cool ."

Life for Deana Martin was anything but ordinary and not always easy.

She yearned to spend more time with her father.

Her first voice lesson was from Frank Sinatra.

She shares similar memories and more in her book, "Memories Are Made of This: Dean Martin Through His Daughter's Eyes."

Martin will be at the new Sam's Club, 745 W. El Camino Alto, at 1 p.m. today signing copies of her book and her latest CD, "Volare."

Volare means "To fly" in Italian.

It's one of her favorite songs recorded by her father, and it's the name of her plane. Martin and her husband are both pilots.

In its first week of release, the album debuted at No. 22 on the top jazz album chart, according to Billboard.

Martin hopes the album will win a Grammy. Dean Martin never received a Grammy for his music, but at the 2009 Grammys received a lifetime achievement award. He died in 1995.

Deana Martin knew she wanted to be a singer the moment she saw her dad perform "Memories are Made of This," and the crowd adored him.

"That was a moment, I knew this is what I want to do," she says.

She asked her dad for voice lessons and he said no.

"'You're going to sound like everyone else in the choir,' h e said. ' Be yourself and make it yours.' That was easy for him to say because he had a natural voice," she says.

But Frank Sinatra was willing to help and taught Deana that so much of singing is about breathing.

Martin does her own interpretation of her father's songs and pays homage to other singers, like Sinatra, on her latest album.

"Hopefully we can bring this music to a whole new generation," she says.


  1. Hey pallie DMP. Glad to see you posting again. I had been wondering what was going on. I was a little scared that something had happened to you. I read your comment on my blog. I totally understand where you're coming from. I wish you the best as you try to be more like Dino. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie, thanks for the concern...and yes, as you see, I am becomin' transformed by our Dino and that is a change for the best....thanks for understandin' and sure we will stay in Dinotouch in many Dinoways....
