Saturday, June 20, 2009

Our Dino by artiste Shahin from Iran

Hey pallies, likes as we knows Dinolove is universal....again proven as I shares 'nother cool piece of Dinoart by a Dinolovin' artiste tagged Shahin from Iran.

This is 'nother Dinoportait from the Star Portraits goes there and see this pix in it's original place, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram.

Knowin' that there are artists all over the world who are usin' their talents to share their true Dinodevotion simply continues to Dinoencourage me to the Dinobelief that knowin', lovin' and honorin' our Dino is simply the only way that we will ever have world peace....DINO IS THE KEY...... Only Dino, DMP


  1. Interesting that an Iranian would draw a picture of coolness -- considering all the oppression in Iran. Sort of a political statement, too, I think.

  2. Hey pallie AOW, exactly, as I sticks to my Dinothoughts that our Dino is truly the only way to reach world peace...'cause everybody loves our Dino....

  3. Hey pallie DMP. This is so cool. Dino is definitely what the people in Iran need right now as they go through all their turmoil.

  4. Hey pallie Keith, you speaks likes such Dinotruth....have been thinkin' how this Iranian artiste chose to use shades of purple for this Dinoimpression...purple is the color of royality...'specially in the mideast...loves how this artist honors our Dino as KING OF one for royal then our great man...

  5. DMP,
    And anyone who doesn't love Dino has a real problem!

  6. Hey pallie AOW, yeah, I am in total Dinoagreement with ya on that....only Dino truly matters...
