Thursday, June 18, 2009

Joshua Budich ‘Dean Martin’ RAT PACK Print Exclusive

Hey pallies, this musta be Dinoart week on the net....'cause here is 'nother steller rendition of our Dino done by a dude tagged Joshua Budich. Gotta see if I can gets a better image of this great Dinoart. To checks this out in it's original form at the blogg Posters and Prints, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram.

Ain't it the greatest to see more and more artists givin' the nod to our Dino and bringin' more and more to Dinoknowledge and Dinolove....increasin' Dinopassion all over the Dinoglobe. Dinolovin', DMP

Joshua Budich ‘Dean Martin’ RAT PACK Print Exclusive

Joshua Budich RAT PACK Series 'Dean Martin' Art Asylum Boston Print Exclusive

Just heard that Joshua Budich’s ‘Dean’ print from his Rat Pack series is available exclusively through Art Asylum Boston right now. This will be the only way (besides ebay) to get this print to complete the set. Joshua will NOT be releasing this print on his site. Partial profits of the sale of this print go to Joshua’s favorite charity, The Kokua Hawaii Foundation.

Interested collectors need to email: to link it up!


  1. Hey pallie DMP. It is so cool. Always nice to see Dinoart.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, yeah lovds this Dinointerpretation of the Dinothinker...
