Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Dinodaddy-o Dinoday 2009

Hey pallies, likes the thought came to me recently how appro it is that Steubenville throws their Dinofest Dinobash on the weekend of Daddy-o's Day each year. Which Dinoholic among us woulda wanna to be able to call our Dino daddy-o?!??!??!?

Know that havin' Dino as my Daddy-o woulda have been the coolest way to have grown up. Sometimes wonder if our Dino's boy and girl pallies ever realized how special it was to grow up in family Martin and know that Dino's blood flowed through their veins.

To honor our Dino on Dinodaddy-o Dinoday, thought I woulda again post this stellar Dinoclip from the Dinoshow of our Dino and his beloved boy-pallie makin' fun together while makin' patter 'bout fishin' and singin' "Small Fry."

As I had shared before, does so digg hearin' our Dino questionin' Dino Jr. 'bout how cool he thinks his daddy-o is....and Dino Jr.'s response certainly shows that he inherited at least some of the amazin' Dinocool.

So enjoy this special time between daddy-o and boypallie. Dinodesirin', DMP


  1. Hey pallie DMP. Great clip. I always love that one. It's great to see Dino and Dino Jr. together. These two were wonderful together. They make a great daddy-o and boypallie team.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, thanks for the Dinopatter....this is such a classic Dinoclip...loves seein' our Dino as Daddy-o interactin' so tenderly with his beloved boypallie Dino wonder Dino Jr's death broke our Dino's heart...

  3. Good find!

    I haven't seen that one since it originally aired.

  4. Hey pallie AOW, so glad to be able to be of Dinoservice to loves this Dinoclip of our Dino and his beloved boypallie Dino Jr....
