Saturday, June 13, 2009

the Dean Martin story makes me like him even more

Hey pallies, Dinoinspiration continues to be found all over the web. This mornin' found the cool Dinomention below at a site tagged "lbo-talk (Left Business Observer Talk-----clicks on tagg to goes there). A dude tagged wrobert speakin' on a thread 'bout Dali and Worhal and their personalities concludes his post with this Dinotale from Tosches how our Dino make it clear to the jer where he stood with our great man after the break up.

How cool that our Dino's actions makes wrobert "like him even more." How great to see more and more pallies liftin' of the name of Dino and speakin' of their Dinoadmiration.... Dinodiggin', DMP

Then there's Dean Martin talking to Jerry Lewis after their breakup. In the Martin biography by Nick Tosches he says the two were on a pier in Atlantic City and Lewis says to Martin that he thought what they had together was something like love. Martin told him, "to me you're nothing but a fucking dollar sign."

Funny thing is while your Dali story and the ones about Warhol leave me kind of cold, the Dean Martin story makes me like him even more.


  1. Hey pallie DMP. Wow. Our Dino definitely knows how to do a break-up. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, we needs our Dino...our Dino doesn't need anyone...that is simply the Dinotruth....
