Sunday, June 07, 2009

The Day That Coolness Came To Earth..."Since I Met You, Baby"

Hey pallies, likes no Dinoclip gets posted more often at ilovedinomartin thens our Dino's one and only MTV vid, "Since I Met You, Baby." The celebration of our Dino's entry into the world just wouldn't be complete in this dude's heart without the sharin' of this amazin' Dinoproduction 'cause truly "since I met you Dino," I am a different guy all together.

So on this day of our Dino's birth, The Day That Coolness Came To Earth, I wanna again proclaim the amazin' difference that our great man has made in my life...and I want to humbly honor and thank our Dino for all that he has done to help me and all true Dinoholics reach toward coolness....coolness that only our Dino can offer...

Thanks for comin' to be the way of cool Dino!!!!!! Dinolongin', DMP


  1. Hey pallie DMP. I always remember how much you love this song and video. It is awesome. I love actually seeing a video by Dino. I wish he had done more of these.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, indeed, I dos loves this Dinosong so so very much...for likes so many true Dinoreasons...but the most important is that it speaks the Dinotruth of how this Dinoholic's life has been changed since our Dino came into my life....
