Monday, June 08, 2009

Celebrating Dean Martin's Birthday

Hey pallies, my Dinobro Keith over at his cool blogg The Dino Lounge has also posted a stellar trib to our Dino for rememberin' his birthday (clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to goes there).

I had selected the first part of his Dinotrib to share will all the Dinoholics here. It includes a groovy drawin' of our Dino that I had thought of postin' here at some Dinotime and I thinks that pallie Keith was truly Dinoinspired to share it in remembrance of On The Day That Coolness Came To Earth.

So thanks pallie Keith for all you do to lift of the name of our Dino and 'specially for this amazin' trib to our great man in honor of his b-day. Dinoawed, DMP

Monday, June 8, 2009
Celebrating Dean Martin's Birthday
Yesterday, June 7th, was the 92nd birthday of Dean Martin. Happy Birthday to the King of Cool himself. Dino is definitely the coolest cat to ever live. There's never been anybody quite like him. Dino's one of a kind. I wish I just had a small percentage of the cool and hip swagger that Dino possesses. I would be a happy and content fella then. Dean Martin epitomizes what it means to be cool. He is the very definition of it. While many of us try to be cool, it oozes from Dino naturally. It's always been effortless with him. I raise a toast in honor of my favorite entertainer of all time. Cheers!

I came across this picture by Drew Friedman. I thought it would be great to share it with my pallies here.


  1. Thanks pallie DMP. That's cool that you posted this over here at your blog. You've done so many great posts in honor of Dino's birthday. They've been so cool. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, all for the sake of honorin' our Dino...but so glads you dug 'em too...
