Thursday, May 07, 2009

Our Dino And Dominick The Great......

Hey pallies, likes as ilovedinomartin continues to remember our Dino and his relationship with Mr. Dom DeLuise, here is 'nother stellar Dinoclip from the Dean Martin Variety Hour where our Dino plays a volunteer from the audience helpin' "Dominick The Great" do his magical act....there is such Dinoclassic Dinocomedic Dinoenergy between our great man and Mr. Dom...enjoys pallies..and likes stay tunes for more Dinoclassic Dinoclips with our Dino and Mr. Dom comin' your Dinoway.....


  1. Hey pallie DMP. Great clip. Thanks for posting that. I'm still really sad to think of Dom's passing.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, yeah, very sad Dinoindeed...but likes out of great saddness can come real Dinoblessings....just think of all the droppin' of the Dinoname that is happenin' in connection with Mr. Dom's passin'...leadin' more and more pallies to know, love, and honor our Dino....
