Sunday, May 24, 2009

on this day in Dinohistory: May 24, 1974

Hey pallies, likes today is one of the sadder days in Dinohistory....on May 24 in the year of our Dino that stellar Dean Martin Show ended it's amazin' nine year run on NBC. Thanks to the pallies at abadss for sharin' this Dinodetail with checks out the post in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram.


1974 - After nine years on TV, the last Dean Martin Show was seen on NBC. Dean’s lovely group, The Golddiggers, returned to bid farewell in the show that had been seen in a variety of formats on Thursday and, later, on Friday evenings.


  1. Hey pallie DMP. Didn't know this was when the Dinoshow ended. That was definitely a sad day for the tube and all of us fans.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, yeah, a very very sad day for all us lovers of our Dino...betcha our great man had a bit of saddness as well after reignin' on the tube for nine Dinofabulous years...
