Sunday, April 19, 2009

This week in Dinohistory 1956, 1958

Hey pallies, our great Dinolovin' pallie caithiseach over at his cool blog "The Great Vinyl Meltdown" continues to honor our Dino by sharin' great dates in Dinomusic Dinohistory.....this time wonderful Dinonews on two amazin' Dinoamoretunes....."Innamorata" from the bestest of the best Dino and the kid flicks "Artists and Models" and that hauntin' Dinoplea "Return To Me." Want to thanks this dude caithiseach for his Dinofaithfulness in liftin' up the name of our Dino and or great man's stellar success in his blog of music is obvious caithiseach "gets Martin" and is willin' to even come under attack for his Dinodevotion...clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost to read this Dinoinfo in it's original format and checks out caithiseach's Dinoresponse to a guy who questions our pallie's words on our Dino's stellar version of "Innamorata." With pallies likes caithiseach on our Dinoside, the Dinorevolution will just continue to Dinoglow and Dinogrow bringin' more and more to knowin', lowin' and needin' our Dino. Included below are clips that feature this two cool Dinosongs...the first is likes a great Dinotrib with so so much Dinolovin' from many of our Dino's flicks and the second, well pallies, not sure that this vid creator had in mine...but does features our glorious Dino singin' his glorious Dinoamoretune.

April 7/14/21, 1956:
This is also the week that Dean Martin climbs to #31 on the Top 100 with “Innamorata.” He featured the song in a Martin Lewis film, Artists and Models. A Jerry Vale cover pales by comparison, of course.

April 7/14/21, 1958:
Showing his radio power, Dean Martin debuts on the Jockey chart at #20 with “Return to Me.” He is tied for #50 on the Best Sellers and tied for #53 on the Top 100. Clearly, radio was ready for another Dino tune.


  1. Hey pallie DMP. As always, it's awesome to learn more Dinodates. We almost need a calendar made up to show us all the important dates in Dinohistory. Cheers!

  2. Must be rip Jerry Vale(R) week.
    Oh well, I've got a Gulfstream and ....nuff said. MOney talks. THansks for keeping the name alive, as he is, but Dean is work food.

  3. Hey pallie Keith, indeed a Dinocalendar woulda be likes totally Dinogroovy...with all the important Dinodates...sure every Dinoday woulda be filled with one or more Dinofacts...and of course how hard woulda it be to just pick a doz Dinopicks for the Dinoart...

  4. Hey pallie Robby, thanks for droppin' by...btw did search your blog for any mention of Jerry Vale and what did I he is as important to you as Dino is to me, woulda assume you woulda be showin' him some love at your place...if you decide to give Mr. Vale his due, please let me know...loves to see other pallies honorin' those they esteem...

  5. Actually I don't have time to screw with my blog. If something appears, its because my asst posted something I said that was amusing.
    Ditto the fact they bring any mention of my trademark "JERRY VALE" to our atention as, by law, we have to defend it. It has nothing to do with family, only MONEY.

  6. If Dino is so important to you, maybe you should learn MORE about him, how he would spend Friday nights at the Sunset Bl Hamburger Hamlet drinking like a fish, since his son flew his plane into a mountain, with his teeth out, for years before he ultimately dies. Thats SUnet Bl, Beverly HIlls.

  7. Hey pallie Robby, dude I can assure you that ilovedinomartin never has and never will promote the legacy of our Dino for mere bread....

  8. Hey pallie Robby, sounds like you musta read Nick Tosches stellar Dinobio, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams." Indeed our Dino truly never recovered from his beloved boypallie Dino Jr. tragic demise...but that just makes me wanna honor him all the more...

  9. Yeah, I was a producer on it when Scorsese was going to do it, but we moved on to other projects. FACED. However, I saw Dean at the Hamlet during that period, long before the book. FAced. I don't have time to dick around with a blogger, sho is a showbiz wanna be. I'm due back at the studi.
    CIo bello.

  10. Hey pallie Robby, I am impressed that your had planned to work on that sad that it never made it to the big screen...and woulda give anythin' to have been in the same buildin' with our Dino...thanks for takin' some of your valuable time to share your thoughts and woulda loves to hear from you anytime 'bout your experiences with our Dino...have a wonderful day at the studio....

  11. NOthing personal- he was a good guy. It was a sad end. As for Dino movie, c'est la vie, thats the biz. I'm pissed that my version of I AM LEGEND and SUperman Returns, more so LEGEND, were tabled in the 90's. We were suposed to do the Walter Winchell bio, but that woulnd up at HBO and was OK. AS for LEGEND, Will SMith was great, but the CLASSIC line on our SHooting Script was EPIC and I can not beleive it was cut. Will would have rocked saying it. Oh well. TOday its music. Regards.

  12. Hey pallie Robby, thanks for your comments....musta be very frustratin' at times to be workin' on major projects and have 'em fall by the wayside without anythin' you can do 'bout you think there is any chance of a Dinoresurrection of Tosches' Dinobio? Indeed our Dino meet a very sad end...but I loves so much how our Dino lived his life on his own terms for all of his career...might I inquire of you ever spent any personal time with our Dino? Best regards to you as well...again thanks for takin' time to talk with me 'bout these thin's....

  13. In showbiz, even in music, projects fall through all the time, that is wy, esp in you ALWAYS have tons of stuff in "development"- also why you here of projects taking YEARS to come to the screen, let alone bands gettting back togther even when the lure of BOG money is there. SOme projects you lose and feel bad about, I thought Dino was better for the small screen as it was typically too artsy, sort like the rat pack flick fr HBO that was great, with Ray Liotta, but as a big screen flick, would have bombed BIG. Many projects are no big deal, losing SUperman Returns, I could care less. I lost a ton of cash, but still had a piece in the end, I am LEGEND was a killer, since the original, OMEGA MAN was a alltime fave, and was an honor to have done with Schwarzennegger, but woth both, the studio pulled the pulg, Warner Bros,, on all movies with budget above 111m....only to make them years later at double that. I still lost money on Legend and the credit, but retained profit participation. Im upsdet that as great as it was, the tag line could have added 30 mil to the bottom line alone and it wasn't even in their shooting script. Thats why I have to go to the office nearly every day to keep track of how we are putting to gether the projects we own. Thats how it works, from SPielberg on down, except he has amusement parks and video games on is plate too.

  14. FOrgot to answer the main part of your question....I have no idea the status of the Dino movie. LAST I ehard it was an HBO project, but that was a few years ago and is either shelved or in turnaround now. I heard something about a SAmmy DAvis Jr flick coming together for the big screen, but it will be bs.....Ive got great stories. generous guy, but wewird, like my dad and most entertainers. I would Google the net on Dino and see what pops.

  15. Hey pallie Robby, I really appreciate you takin' the time to share some of these ins and outs of the biz with me. 'Bout the Dinoflick.....I can see what you mean 'bout it bein' better on the small screen...but I'm guessin' you mean for HBO or other pay tv....if done right, and kept close to Tosches' Dinobio it would certainly be too randy for the netwarks.....might I ask if you have a person in mind to play the King of Cool? I am in awe of the dynamics of your profession and truly grateful for you takin' the time with a wannabe dude like me. Thank you so much Mr. Vale.

  16. Hey pallie Robbie, thanks for the suggestion and I will continue to do that....actually I love to put our Dino and so other words together just to see what shows us....along with this here Dinoblog, I also mod a Dinodialogue Dinopad over at yahoo groups with the tagg ilovedinomartin and the links section has dozens of cool Dinolinks that I have discovered by googlin' our Dino....when it come to my Dinoaddiction...gotta 'fess up that I do it to the max. Reason, I ask if you have any personal Dinotales is I love to hear accounts from those that know our Dino....some time ago I go to dialogue with a phy sci teacher who taught Dino Jr. and Ricci at a pri if you have a Dinostory or two...or thousand, likes I am all ears. And again, it is great of you to take some time to reply to small potatoes guy like me....thanks very much Mr. Vale....

  17. I realy wasn't interested in the project. I can't recall who we had atached to play Dean. OBviously it was a name. TOo long ago to remember,
    I was only in Bev Hills for High School and some college, so I didn't know his sons and didn't go to Rexford. As for the "small screen", CABLE only, even Basic, but not Network, they still don't get where they have to go to compete=- even watching Beaking Bad, you can tell its edited for A&E Channell. I need to find out what Premium CHannel it was shot for....weird.

  18. Hey pallie Robby, thanks for stoppin' by again...continue to 'ppreciate your time and thoughts...all my best to you Mr. Vale....

  19. This is getting distracting,I don't even touch my own website, since 1987, and.... pls call me rob. SOrry I don't have any god Dino stories. I just wanted to do my Bev Hills time and get back to Vegas baby, Vegas,

  20. These are from my notes and fleeting memories from the project.
    I can't post the draft scripts- or I'll wind up foing McD's commericials again for the rest of my life. ENjoy. SPrry anout speeling, grammer= nerve pain in right arm- don't bother to splellcheck as thats more keystrokes.

    Here's the story on the FILM:
    92, Warners ought screen rights to Tosches Martin biography, DINO:. Offered to Scorsese. Marty fifn't want it at first as he had other projects first such as american celebrity (unititled) and it was after Goodfellas/CASINO (those were my projects, and Kundun), Pileggi, writer, adapted the boook and he slated the Dino project on the board. Industry insiders said Scorsese id the only director who can make a Dean Martin movie as cool as Dean himself. Before Dino, Scorsese had to shoot ehich was in advanced pre-production Bringing Out The Dead, writer, Paul Schrader. Pileggi finished a 2nd draft by than and then things got odd/weird...Time announced Travolta candidate for Sinatra role; Variety reported that Scorsese had tapped Tom Hanks to play Martin. When Sinatra died in June of that year, interest in the film intensified. HBO had already started production on The Rat Pack, starring Ray Liotta as the Frankster. So much energy was concentrated on the RAt Pack in the summer of '98, that it was a shock when Scorsese announced that he would not make the film. But, as I said before, the dream cast couldn't all get scheduled and the film fell apart....going into turnaround.Hugh Grant as Peter Lawford . For the role of Joey Bishop, Scorsese had chosen Adam Sandler.Jim Carrey was the clear choice for Jerry Lewis - but that was a big IF due to his affect on the budget, sorta like Sharon Stone did to CASINO.

  21. Rob, thanks for letting me know what you want me to call you....and I see that Dino and you do have one thing in appreication for Vegas.....

  22. Rob, thanks for sharing all the info on the proposed Dino film....really great of you to share all that....not only the time it took, but also with the nerve pain in your right arm making it difficult to type. You're willingness to respond back to my comments is much appreciated....don't know if distractions are a good thing for you or not, but with the way things have been lately, I can use all the distractions I can get....thanks for being so nice to a guy like me....

  23. no sweat-most stuff I dictate out.
    I like to share dome of the stuff that realy goes on behind the scenes. Its a job and its not as glamourous and easy as people think. Perks, sure.
    But headaches, OH YEAH.

  24. drop me an email adddress.
    some stuff for you I dont want published,

  25. Rob, I hear you...when a peon likes me thinks about the cool creative kind of stuff that you do, gotta admit I do think glamourous...but I am sure you have more then your share of crap to wade through as well...will be looking forward to anything you have to share...hope your day goes well for you....

  26. Rob, best email is

  27. THanks, but there are other jobs I find interesting. Entertainment is A TON of WAITING, followed by a minute or 2 hours (film vs. live perf) of HIGH INTENSITY fllowed by hours to wind down.....than add in leeches, lawsuits and juggling projects that mostly wont get made by you.

  28. Rob, you are welcome....what a roller coaster kind of life the enterainment biz must speak of other work that you find interesting?
