Friday, April 03, 2009

Our Dino and the jer very bromantically promotin' "The Caddy"

Hey pallies, first a WARNIN' on the Dinoclip....meant for MATURE Dinoears only....knows that I have shared this here before, but as I thinks of the greatest bromantic moments between our Dino and the kid, this bootleg Dinorecordin' certainly comes to Dinomind....these amazin' outtakes from a radio promo of The Caddy" has our Dino and the jer havin' great fun together as they mess up their lines and sez what they are actually thinkin' great to have these few minutes of the real Dino and the jer....unedited and every randy.....just a sample of what fun these two musta had together.....such true bromance these two had on and off the stage, screen, and club scene.... Dinodiggin', DMP


  1. Hey pallie DMP. I'm going to play this clip again, but I have seen it before. I loved it. Dino and the Jer were so hilarious. I would love to have had the opportunity to hang out with these two. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, dude I diggs this so Dinomuch to be able to hear behinds the scenes Dinopatter with the jer...just the Dinocoolest...
