Sunday, April 12, 2009

"It's A Marshmallow World...." in the Springtime....

Hey pallies, likes gotta 'fess up that I loves this Dinoclip so so very very Dinomuch and woulda use any 'cuse to be able to publish and share it again...and this chick tagged Kim has given me the perfect Dinoreason to share "Marshmallow World" in the midst of Spring. Pallie Kim, at her blog Fast Eddies Retro Rags (clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to goes there) just happens to mention our Dino and his great sticky tune in her post 'bout know those marshmallow chicks that invade every heres we go sharin' this great Dinowintertune in the midst of spring chickens a la marshmallow. Woulda it be so cool if our Dino had adapted this great tune for the Spring and sang it to an adorin' group of peeps.....with our great man peeping at the peeps..... Dinodiggin'ly, DMP


  1. Hey pallie DMP. I love this song and this clip of it. I say post this clip any season you want. It's such a cool and hip song. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, thanks for droppin' by and for your Dinoencouragement....loves this song and loves how our Dino sings it...ever nuance is likes so so Dinoish....

  3. Well, hello there dahling! Thanks a million for the random shout out! You're a peach, as always!

  4. Hey pallie Kim, ma'am anyone who honors our Dino, we likes to honor...thanks for helpin' to spread the Dinomessage of Cool...and likes I will never ever 'gain look at peeps without thinkin' on our Dino....
