Wednesday, April 15, 2009

From The Dinolink Dinoarchives of ilovedinomartin, the Dinodialogue Dinopad

Hey pallies, over at the ilovedinomartin Dinodialogue Dinopad we have a great selection of Dinolinks that have been gathered over the course of several Dinoyears...and have been thinkin' that I oughta share some of the very Dinobest with a larger Dinoaudience over here at our humble little ilovedinomartin here is the first of the cream of the Dinocrop. This Dinoentry is tagged "Dean Is Pissed" as was Dinocreated a few Dinoyears ago by a Dinlovin' college student that tagged herself crocetti...after our Dino's original last tagg...hope you enjoys this very Dinomuch and if you would likes to see this in it's original Dinoformat, likes clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram. Dinosharin', DMP btw pallies, sees that this does not come up as a very large Dinopix, so likes if you clicks on the pix it will Dinoenlarge and likes the best Dinoway to Dinoview this is by clickin' on the Dinotagg of this Dinopost and seein' it in it's original Dinoglory.....


  1. Hey pallie DMP. One thing I've always really loved about the Dinogroup is all the great Dinolinks that you have recorded there. There is such a bevy of awesome Dinopages for us Dinoholics to check out. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, thanks so much for your kind Dinowords...does loves that tagg bevy...and btw, am still holdin' out mucho Dinohope that one Dinoday you will return to our humble little Dinodialogue Dinopad and helps return it to it's amazin' Dinoglory...all for the sake of our Dino....
