Friday, April 17, 2009

DEAN MARTIN - Crooners Influencing The 60s

Hey pallies, it is such a wonderful Dinofeelin' to know that Dinopassion is likes totally Dinouniversal...takes this Dinoentry from a cool blog tagged "Singapore 60s Sixties Pop Music Website '08" (clicks on tagg of this Dinogram to view) where a dude tagged Andy shares Singaporian Dinodevotion...reads all 'bout it below...loves how this Andy dude makes this Dinostatement..."And Dean Martin's magic spreads round the living or dining room with soothing, sentimental easy vocals and dream music." And how cool to know that Singaporians were romancin' while dancin' to the Dinosound in the swingin' '60's.. My grateful thanks to Mr. Andy for postin' this at his cool blog so that I could share it with all Dinoholics in these here ilovedinomartin Dinoparts....let's all continue to do our Dinopart to spead the Dinomessage as Dinofar and Dinowide as Dinopossible...bringin' more and more pallies to true Dinodevotion whereever they are located in the Dinouniverse.... Dinodiggin', DMP

April 17, 2009
DEAN MARTIN - Crooners Influencing The 60s

All of them sing but most of the following superstars are known better as crooners. Dean Martin (image), Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, Tony Bennett, Al Martino, Andy Williams, Jack Jones, Jerry Vale, Robert Goulet, Vic Damone, Engelbert Humperdinck, Nat King Cole, Bobby Darin, Mel Torme, Eddie Fisher, Perry Como come under a category called "vocals - for easy listening pleasure."

For seniors both in Singapore and across the world, the above singers are as familiar as the songs they sing and the list would include, 'That's Amore', 'Lady Is A Tramp', 'Moon River', 'Stardust', 'Release Me', 'Mona Lisa', 'Mack The Knife', 'Oh My Papa' and so on.

The scene is familiar. Dimmed lights in the evening after dinner and the record is placed on the turntable and the crooner begins his song, "When the moon hits your eyes/Like a big pizza pie/That's amore..." And Dean Martin's magic spreads round the living or dining room with soothing, sentimental easy vocals and dream music.

In the 60s, the scene is different. Singaporeans would dance to these songs on the usually crowded night clubs across the island. More so, they would be romancing their partner on the dance floor. The Singlish (Singapore English) term is 'part-tor'.
Posted by Andy Young* at 7:42 AM
Labels: American Idols, Dean Martin


  1. I'm a Singaporean who loves Dino too. There'll never be anyone like him to walk the earth again!

  2. Hey pallie Roger, likes thanks so much for stoppin' by and droppin' some Dinopatter...always so so Dinodelighted to gets to know others who loves our Dino likes I do and to know that Dinodevotion is likes so Dinodtruly Dinouniversal...hopes you will dropps by again very Dinosoon...

  3. Hey pallie DMP. I do think it's great that Dino is popular all around the globe. His music is timeless and international. Cheers!

  4. Hey pallie Keith, indeed, and loves to find pallies like Andy who are keepin' our Dino front and center and bringin' more and more pallies to Dinoaddiction...
