Friday, March 20, 2009

Male friends on the silver screen Dean and Jerry

Hey pallies, likes with the release of the next Bromance flick, "I Love You, Man" comes an interest in earlier flicks celebratin' male friendships. Here's a way cool article 'bout the "Top Ten Bromances" from Time Mag. And likes who is the first on the Bromance Flick List?........none other then our Dino and the kid. Enjoys this bit of Dinoprose and the cool Dinoclip from "My Friend Irma." Gonna have to gets my hands on the entire article written by TIME critic Richard Corliss. As usual, to visit this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost... Dinodelightedly, DMP

Male friends on the silver screen
Dean and Jerry

Over more than a dozen films, the comic duo of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis established a bromantic relationship the likes of which Hollywood has rarely seen since. As TIME critic Richard Corliss writes, "The intimacy they shared was intense and startling in the '50s and remains so today."

Just take a look at this clip from their first film together, 1949's My Friend Irma. Skip ahead to about the two-and-a-half minute mark, when Lewis comes on to join Martin in a song. We're not sure why Lewis starts pawing at Martin before tousling his own hair and licking his hand, but it's the wacky start to a beautiful (too beautiful?) cinematic friendship.


  1. Hey pallie DMP. That's so cool. Yeah, when I think of bromance, the first guys I think of are Dino and Jerry.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, dude likes hopes to do a whole Dinoseries of Dinoclips of Dinopixs and Dinoclips of our Dino and the kid makin' Dinobromance....
