Thursday, March 12, 2009

Michael Steele:"Love Dean Martin. He was one of these guys who just didn’t give an F. He just didn’t."

Hey pallies, as I begins this Dinogram to ya wanna reiterate that this little ilovedinomartin Dinoblog aims to stay apolitical, so note that this Dinopost is not an endorsement for any political agenda.

That said, I am likes so Dinopsyched to have discovered this Dinopatter on "Blog GQ" of an interview done by a chick tagged Lisa Depaulo with Michael Steele, the new head of the Republican Party. And likes who does Michael digg.....OUR DINO. Below you will find the pertinent words 'bout our great man and Steele's total Dinodevotion. This is so cool to find such Dinolovin' from someone so high in the political process. If you wanna read the whole interview with Steele, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram and you will arrive at the appro Dinospot on Blog GQ. Dinothrilled, DMP

Who else?
"I like Sinatra. I like old-school. You know, Bing Crosby, Sinatra, Dean Martin. Love Dean Martin. He was one of these guys who just didn’t give an F. He just didn’t. Life was a party, and you either want to party or you don’t. But yeah, I like those. I’m a big Pack Rat. I love the Pack Rats from the 1950s—Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Frank Sinatra, those guys."

You mean the Rat Pack.
"The Rat Pack, yeah."


  1. Hey pallie DMP. Wow! That's so cool. I had no clue. It's always nice to see that somebody, no matter what their political persuasion, is a big fan of our Dino. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, am likes so so totally Dinodelighted to see some one of Michael Steele's stature so so Dinoaddicted....always loves so much to hear 'bout others who loves our Dino and not ashamed to share their true Dinopassion....
