Monday, March 30, 2009

BEST of "An Evening at the Buddies Lounge" - Show #3 (The Dean Martin Hour)

Hey pallies, likes there is no Dinoend to the Dinofinds in blogs these Dinodays. Just found this cool blog tagged "Buddies Lounge" where blogger Big W is featurin' the sounds of our great man. If you clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram you will be transported to this stellar blog where you will be able to download this Dinotrib. Loves findin' more and more pallies turnin' on to Dino and helpin' to do the Dinowork of sharin' the Dinomessage with the Dinoworld.... Dinodiggin', DMP
Sunday, March 29, 2009
BEST of "An Evening at the Buddies Lounge" - Show #3 (The Dean Martin Hour)

The “Big W” will be back next week with an ALL NEW show, but he did leave behind one last great episode from the spring of 2008 to share with everyone once again this week. It’s his tribute to the “King of Cool” Dean Martin, with an hour of classics, as always in LIVING STEREO. Slip on your Smoking Jacket, shake a Martini, then sit back and enjoy the warm Hi-Fi sounds of Dean Martin. It’s the BEST of “An Evening At The Buddies Lounge” – Show #3 - Originally aired on 5/4/08 as show #11. Bottoms Up! “An Evening At The Buddies Lounge” will be back next Saturday, April 4th will an all-new show. Don’t miss it!

CLICK HERE for The BEST of "An Evening at the Buddies Lounge" - Show #3

Best of “An Evening At The Buddies Lounge” #3
Originally aired on 5/4/08 as show #11

Also, hear "An Evening At The Buddies Lounge" on 24 hours a day, 7 days a Living Stereo! Archive Shows can be found here

CLICK HERE for Buddies Lounge station


  1. Hey pallie DMP. That sounds awesome. I'll definitely check it out. There are more and more people out there who are doing posts on our great man. That's always cool to find. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, dude it is a really cool Dinocast....just began to listen to it, but can tell it is full of true takes some time to enjoys our Dino...and yes, so so refreshin' to find and more and more of our great man all over the web these Dinodays...
