Monday, February 09, 2009

Our Dino Awarded A Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award

Hey pallies, last night our Dino finally got just a bit of the honor and respect that more then anyone else he so richly deserves. Last night at the annual Grammy awards our Dino received a Lifetime Achievement Award durin' the Grammys. Thanks to a pallie tagged shadybunnz over at youtube, here is the moment captured for immortality on vid with Queen Latifah doin' the honors. I am so so grateful for our Dino finally gettin' this honor, for as I sez, truly only Dino matters... To view this in it's original, just likes clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram.

On February 8, 2009, at the 51st Grammy Awards, Dean Martin was awarded a Grammy Lifetime Achievement award for his numerous contributions to the music industry. He was a truly talented and charming man who definitely deserved this award. Dean's daughter and grandson are in the audience...

The actual Grammy clip begins at around 15 seconds and it's kind of short but still worth seeing...oh and watch the surprise montage at the end!


  1. Hey pallie DMP. I was really happy that Dino received this award. It was about time. He should have gotten it years ago. It was still awesome to see him finally get some recognition like he so deserves. Great video. Cheers!c

  2. Hey pallie Keith, dude likes I am likes totally pumped that our Dino finally gots his due...hopes this honor brings more and more pallies to lovin' and followin' our Dino...

  3. "No one was ever cooler than Dean Martin."

    Hear, hear!

    I missed watching this year's Grammy Awards show. Glad that I found this long-due honor for Dean here at this site.

  4. Hey pallie AOW, so Dinopsyched to be the Dinospot to shares this stellar Dinonews with you...and no was ever was, ever will be as cool as our King of Cool....

  5. Wasn't that great? Not sure why the Rap Pack tribute. How incongruous was that?

  6. Hey pallie Adrienne, thanks for droppin' by and leavin' some Dinopatter...and the link to your cool site....didn't actually see this Rap Pack thin'...hopes you drops by often for everythin' Dino...
