Monday, February 02, 2009

Dinoamore Dinomonth presents a trib to our Dino and the kid featurin' "Just In Time"

Martin & Lewis and all their silliness (Dean Martin-Just In Time)

Hey pallies, on this second day of Dinoamore Dinomonth wanna share with all my Dinolovin' pallies this provocative and evocative clip of a trib to our Dino and the kid from youtube created by a 17 year old Dinolover tagged Katie...loves to see more and more of today's youth who have fallen head over heels in love with our Dino. To checks out Miss Katie, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to see her youtube space.

The tune of course is our Dino singin' his cover of "Just In Time" (as it appears on the new Dinoalbum "AMORE." For those of you who have read the jer's Dinobio...."Dean and Me"...a love know how appropriate "Just In Time" is to our Dino and the kid's relationship. By themselves, they each we not goin' much of anywhere...but was magic...and the world fell at their feet in awe of the chemistry between them...and what made that so the jer says, it was because they loved each other. Yes, the relationship eventually went sour, and it was in both of their best interests to split up and go their separate ways, but for a decade the comedy team of Martin and Lewis rocked the world with their antics and their devotion to each other. If you haven't read the jer's book, you simply must...such an amore to our great man! So, likes sit back and enjoys this wonderful trib to our Dino and the kid. Dino-only Dinofocused, DMP


  1. Yes, a good analysis of the relationship from what I've learned. Don't have Jerry's book, might have to get that. Last Dino reading I did was the Tosche book, which I wasn't crazy about.

  2. Hey pallie Nick, so kind of you to drop by the ol' ilovedinomartin Dinoblog and leaves some patter...gotta admit that I really diggs the Tosches tomb...but my read of the jer gave me much more respect for him and his deep love and devotion to our Dino...certainly they were on amazin' pair...

  3. Hey pallie DMP. Thanks for posting that video. I'll admit that I wasn't a big Jerry fan of years. I didn't care for him much in those movies and from what I ever read or heard about him. Over the years though I've gotten to where I like him. I understand more why things happened the way they did. Cheers!

  4. Hey pallie Keith, the jer certainly has had his probs over the years...but when he started out he was in love with our Dino just likes the rest of us true Dinoholics...and the jer never has lost his love of our great man...
