Friday, February 27, 2009

Dinoamore Dinomonth presents our Dino and Miss Pet Clark horsin' 'round with each other

Hey pallies, as we closes out our Dinoamore Dinomonth Dinotrib to our Dino's amorin' Miss Pet Clark, we conclude this little Dinoamorefest with a rare black and white Dinoclip of our Dino and Miss Pet literally horsin' 'round with each other.

As this lovin' duo sings "Hey Good Lookin'" gotta 'fess up that our Dino looks so good lookin' even in Black and that's why he is so so cool in a tux.... As our great man and Miss Brit sings "how 'bout cookin' somethin' up with me"....y'knows that they musta haves somethin' amore cookin' up for after the show. Hopes all my Dinoholic pallies have enjoyed this little Dinotrib to our Dino and Miss Pet and the stellar amore between 'em.... Dinolovin', DMP


  1. Hey pallie DMP. Cool clip. I've never seen this one before. Thanks for sharing it with us. Our Dino is great even in B&W. I've enjoyed this Dinotribute you've done. It's been awesome. Great job. Have a fantastic weekend. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, likes thanks so much for your Dinothoughts...really do digg our Dino in B&W...somehow even more charmin'....nows don't go way, still two more Dinodays of Dinoamore Dinomonth to Dinocelebrate...stay Dinotuned...
