Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dinoamore Dinomonth Presents "I Have But One Heart" (O Marenariello)

Hey pallies, here's 'nother Dinoamore Dinotune from the new "AMORE" Dinodisc. This Dinoclip ain't much to look at, but it features this great Dinosong...but likes how cool to see that the dude who posted this at youtube is Persian...loves to see how Dinoamore has spread 'round the whole Dinoglobe!!!! Enjoys pallies and remembers we each have only one heart, but likes we can all give 'em to our Dino......
Dinoamorin', DMP


  1. Hey pallie DMP. Thanks for posting that. It is neat that the guy who posted this is Persian. It definitely shows again how Dino has fans among all peoples. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, you gots it dude, our Dino is more popular with more pallies ever in Dinohistory and from every nock and crannie of the whole Dinouniverse...thanks for the Dinopatter......
