Thursday, February 05, 2009

Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "Dream A Little Dream Of Me"

Hey pallies, the next cut on the new Dino "AMORE" CD (numero seveno) is "Dream A Little Dream Of Me." No could find a Dinoclip showin' our Dino performin' this love song from the Dinoshow or a Dinoflick, but did find this vid that uses the Dinotune for background to sound youngen's school project....really digg seein' more and more of today's youth sharin' their Dinopassion in so so many cool Dinoways. So enjoys 'nother great Dinoamoresong knowin' the only thin' true Dinoholics wanna dream of is OUR DINO!!!! Dinodreamin, DMP


  1. Hey pallie DMP. That's cool. I'm glad you could find some sort of video. It is awesome that so many youngsters are hip on Dino. I hope you have a cool and swingin' weekend. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, you said it dude...loves to see so so many of today's youth diggin' our Dino and spreadin' the Dinomessage to other youngens as Dinowell....
