Sunday, December 07, 2008

Dinoclaus sing "Young At Heart"

Hey pallies, like wow, I have never ever seen this Dinoclip before....our Dino playin' Dinoclaus in his sleigh singin' that great Dinotune "Young At Heart." Indeed our Dino always wants to keep the accent on youth and he himself always stays so youthful....just like the man in red himself. So pallies, likes how are all your Dinopreparations for Dinowinterday comin'....enjoys this very hip Dinoclip o'pallies of mine...... Dinoaddictedly, DMP


  1. Hey pallie DMP. Great clip. I loved it. I love that coat our Dino is wearing. I could see our Dino as Santa. Just imagine the thrill of having him land on your roof and making his way down your chimney to bring you lots of good presents. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, you can betcha that if it was our Dino comin' down the chimney I woulda be waitin' up for him to gives him some liquid refreshments...
