Monday, October 06, 2008

Some Dinopolitical Dinofun

Hey pallies, don't know 'bout the rest of you pallies, but likes I am likes way tired of the current politico scene...nows if our Dino was runnin' for prez likes I woulda be likes totally Dinopsyched. So as we await the election, the next best thin' that ilovedinomartin can provide is some Dinopolitical Dinofun from the stellar Dinoshow....enjoys some Dinohumor pallies...and remembers that only our Dino truly matters...... Dinofunnin', DMP


  1. Hey pallie DMP. I'm really sick and tired of this political season. That's a really cool clip. I would love it if Dino was running for prez. Sammy could be his running mate. That would be cool....Dino-Sammy 2008. They would definitely get my vote!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, if Peter hadn't been British born I woulda suggest that he woulda be our Dino's runnin' Dinomate....

  3. Oh yeah. I know how much you like Peter. Yeah, that would have disqualified him being born in the UK. At least I didn't say Frankie. lol

  4. Hey pallie Keith, dude likes how did you knows that is what I was Dinothinkin'?.....

  5. lol Maybe they could find Frankie a place in their cabinet.

  6. Hey pallie Keith, the most important cabinet in our Dino's administration woulda be for some liquid refreshment.....

  7. Hey Pallie Dino Martin Peters - what a funny clip - and this may say that I am old - But I remember that from the TV show.

    Thanks for the link.

    Glenn Bishop

  8. Hey pallie Glenn, can't say that I remember that from the Dinoshow...but that is not 'cause I am not old 'nough...unfortunately just didn't always see our great man in his great show....thanks to youtube gets to see all these Dinoclassics all the Dinotime...still so hopin' to gets together the bread to buy the best of Dino DVDS and still wishin' that sets of full seasons of the Dinoshow will one Dinoday from their way to Dinoholics such as you and I...thanks for all your Dinosupport...
