Tuesday, October 21, 2008

our mod Dino diggin' some gold.....

Hey pallies, likes been doin' some Dinosearchin' for some of those pixs of our mod Dino from the Dinoshow...knews they were some Dinoplace, but likes couldn't remembers where this Dinotreasure Dinolied...but our Dino is just so good to this pallie and that he reminded me of a Dinocashe of Dinopixs from the Dinoshow in a Dinofile over at the google Dinodialogue group that yours truly Dinomoderates tagged of all Dinothin's ilovedinomartin...well heres are two of the moddest of the mod pixs of our mod Dino with the golddiggers...heres hopin' that you will digg 'em as much as I Dino do...does so so Dinolove the mod Dinolook for Dinosure.... Dinodiggin', DMP


  1. Hey pallie DMP. Thanks for posting these. I had almost forgotten about these Dinopix. Cool to see our Dino decked out in more mod fashion. I really dig these shots of our Dino. It's great seeing the King of Cool in all his mod glory as he chills out with his chicks.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, dude likes you knows of where you Dinospeak....thanks for droppin' by to drops some Dinopatter....

  3. Hey pallie Terri, likes our Dino's moddness is so so Dinocool...loves these Dinopixs so very very Dinomuch....

  4. Hey Pallie Dino Martin Peters thanks for posting those pictures of the king of cool.

    From the old King of cool days.

    Thanks again.

    Glenn Bishop

  5. Hey pallie Glenn, you are so welcome man, loves all these great Dinoshots from the greatest show ever to takes to the tube...DINOFOREVER....
