Monday, July 28, 2008

"My birds like to take showers."

Hey pallies, here is a very very short Dinoclip from the Dinoshow, where our Dino proves that he can make anythin' funny and doesn't need much time to get his pallies crackin' up over his amazin' sense of humor....enjoys pallies...DINO RULES....
In Dinodevotion, DMP


  1. Hey pallie. Great clip. I loved it. One thing is I loved how Dino could take anything and make it funny. He always had a way of cracking a joke about things others would never had thought of.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, you gots it Dinoright pallie...Dino makes everythin' so so Dinofunny...

  3. I love this site and I love Dino!

    Right after Dean died, Shirley MacLaine was on a talk show, I think Charlie Rose, and said that Dean Martin was the funniest man she ever met.

  4. Hey pallie Carol, glad you loves our little ol' Dinoblog..and at least on this Dinomatter, Miss Shirley is right on the Dinonose....

  5. Hey DMP :), how awesome to meet you! I love your bloggie home, I look forward to reading through all your posts, I think you have everything anyone wants to know about Dino! I enjoyed your visit and cool comments!

  6. Hey pallie Kathi, so nice to have you visit the ol' Dinoblog..hopes it will provides you with much Dinopleasure...
