Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dean Martin Dinocalendar Dinopix for June

Hey pallies, it's true Dinoconfession time dudes...likes got so busy with so many Dinoactivities in June includin' celebratin' "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth," that I just 'bout forget to Dinopick and Dinopost the Dinocalendar Dinopix for June....wells pallies, we all knows how much our Dino diggs BB, so thought this cool pix of our Dino in uniform woulda be so Dinoappro for the startin' the Dinosummer Dinomonths out...enjoys pallies, and woulds love to hear some Dinopatter from ya... Dinogroovin', DMP


  1. I always loved this Dinopix. It's a good one for the month of June. Baseball is in full swing now (no pun intended). Our Dino looks so playful in this pix. Definitely looks like he's having a good time.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, dude like couldn't agree with ya Dinomore...our Dino is just so playful in cap and glove and uniform...and loves how our Dino loves to swin' in all aspects of his Dinolife....
