Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Iraqi and American Youth Both Dig Dean Martin

Hey pallies, now this is just 'bout the coolest ever. Here is a vid chat that Iraqi students in Damascus had with American students at the Ross School in E. Hampton, New York. Scholars at both schools dialogued on many things, but this exchange caught my Dinoeye....

"Iraqi students asala wants to know if you like dean martin

Ross school: i love dean martin"

Just so Dinothrilled to know that Iraqi students know who are Dino is and must groove on him to ask their American counterparts 'bout their Dinointerest...and how cool to have one of the American students respond "I love Dean Martin."

It is truly Dinowonderful to find more and more of today's youth who know, love, and freely share their Dinodevotion. The thought that our Dino is a bridge between east and west youth is just so so Dinocool!!!! With all the conflict between Americans and Iraqis goin' on....it is so amazin' to find that youth in both cultures have found Dino to be common ground.....so great to see this kind of dialogue goin' on between youth in both cultures and to know that today's youngens east and west dig our Dino so very very much....loves it....to read the transcipt of the whole dialogue, please click on the title of this Dinopost.


  1. Hey!...This is cool!...Now ain't it too bad the mainstream media doesn't report something like this?
    This reminds me of when we see Olympic athletes, coming together and enjoying the comraderie of their fellow athletes from other countries, with no regard toward politics. It also shows something the mainstream media seldom if ever shows: How most people in Iraq embrace America and things American. And what could be more American than our Dino?!


  2. This is so awesome. It's great that there are youth here in the States that are fans of Dean Martin. It's really cool that there are Iraqi youth that are fans of our Dino. It shows that our Dino definitely had an international fan base. It doesn't matter if it's in the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, or even the Middle East. The King of Cool is loved and admired around the world. Cheers!

  3. Hey pallie Rowland, dude like so glad to have you drop by the ol' Dinoblog...yeah, I am like totally Dinothrilled that this video chat proves how much today's youth dig our Dino...no matter the part of the world they come from...Dinolove knows so bounds!!!!Thanks for droppin' in and sharin' your Dinopassion with us...

  4. Hey pallie Keith, again, thanks so much for your Dinofaithfulness the the ol' Dinoblog...and just knew you would loves this Dinonews as much as me...our Dino is truly loved 'round the entire Dinoglobe...just so cool to see today's youth so smitten with our great man...

  5. This was truly amazing. It makes me think that there is hope for all of us afterall. Of all the people they choose of course our Dino! Thank you for sharing this with us. It really warmed my heart!


  6. Dear pallie susan, thanks for readin' and respondin' to this post...saw that you had commented at the original site as well as here at the Dinopad...and you thoughts are much like my thoughts....this was a very hopeful conversation..and of course I loves that our Dino is a part of it!
