Thursday, May 01, 2008

Dean Martin Dinocalendar Dinopix for May

Hey pallies, 'nough of this Dinoindecision...I have chosen the Dinocalendar shot for May and here it is....our Dino is so mod in this great pix..just wonderin' when in Dinohistory this was taken...late sixties...early seventies? Enjoy pallies, and remember that only Dino really matters...


  1. How cool is this! Wow.! I love it. This is a really awesome pix of our Dino. It looks to me to probably be in the early 70's, but I'm not sure. This is a good pix to have chosen for May. I'm glad to see that you got the pix for May up here at the beginning of the month. I love it. Great job you did. I know you don't visit myspace that much anymore, but please pay my page a visit. I posted a new blog I hope you'll check out and comment on, plus I redid my whole page. There are some Dinopix up there as Matt Helm. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, glad you loves the Dinopix....will try to get over to myspace and check out all your Dinowork.
