Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Dean Martin: Celebratin' The Day That Coolness Came To Earth

Hey pallies, just a heads up that just a month from today we celebrate the anniversary of the date that Dino was for the next month the ilovedinomartin Dinoblog will be "Celebratin' The Day That Coolness Came To Earth".....June 7, 1917. So sit back, relax, put on some Dinotunes or a Dinoflick and enjoy the celebration of all thin's Dino...later pallies!!!!


  1. This is going to be a great month as we head up to celebrate our Dino's 91st birthday. What a great day it was when our Dino was born and came into this planet. It's been a glorious age ever since. I look forward to all your postings. Cheers!

  2. Hey there, Dino Martin Peters, thanks for heads up about the celebration of Dean Martin's birthday! How neat is that! I'll be back to check it out on your cool Dinoblog.



  3. Hey pallie Keith, dude like thanks so much for bein' ever Dinoencouragin'....yeah, the world changed the day that our Dino arrived....and it has been ever cooler since....keep diggin' our great man pallie....

  4. Hey pallie Renie, you are some welcome Dinogirl...hope to see you often 'round these Dinoparts....keep lovin' our DINO!!!
