Thursday, May 08, 2008

Dean Martin: An American Buddha

Hey pallies, gonna begin sharin' the Dinodialogue between pallie Keith and myself 'bout how our Dino is like the Buddha. Please feel Dinofree to enter into this Dinodialgue by leavin' your Dinothoughts in the comment section.

Here is the Dinopost that began the Dinobuddha Dinodialogue and pallie Keith's response.

Hey pallie Keith, just did a little research on the buddha and found these nine characteristics of a Buddha over at Wikipedia... ...I am findin' some strikin' similiarites between our Dino and the Buddha!

Here is the list of 9 Nine Characteristics of a Buddha:

1. a worthy one

2. perfectly self-enlightened

3. stays in perfect knowledge

4. well gone

5. unsurpassed knower of the world

6. unsurpassed leder of persons to be tamed

7. teacher of the gods and humans

8. the Enlightened One

9. the BLessed One or fortunate one

I thought that we might just have some Dinodialogue on each of these nine characteristics and how they refer and relate to our Dino. So, let's begin with a Dinodiscussion of how our Dino fits as "the worthy one."

In Dinodevotion, DMP

Hey pallie DMP,

Thanks for the research. That's pretty interesting. I'm going to have to look over those and make some feedback. Any ideas yet yourself? It's neat that Dino inspires us to even talk about world religions up here. What will Dino do next? :-)

Keep Dinoswingin,


  1. This was a pretty neat discussion on our Dino that we did. I love that pix of him. What a wise sage our Dino truly is. I definitely want to follow his philosophy of how to live life and get the most out of it.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, was searchin' for just the right Dinopix that would show our Dino in a buddha stance...there is one from the Dinoshow that I loves so much..that is found on the DinoDVD "That's Amore" that I really Dinocraved to use..but couldn't find it anywhere on the web...but I loves this Dinopix so much..have often wondered what our great man was thinkin' in this Dinoshot...

  3. I do often wonder what was on our great man's mind at times. We know that he thought of butts, booze, and broads a lot. There are times that he looks more contemplative, like he's in serious thought about something.

  4. Hey pallie Keith, yeah....would particularly be Dinointerested in knowin' the Dinofacts 'bout what was goin' on with this Dinothinker Dinopix...
