Monday, March 31, 2008

Dean Martin Dinocalendar Dinopix for March 2008

Hey pallies, like it took me Dinoforever to make a Dinodecision on the Dinopix to use for the March entry in the Dinocalendar...but here is it. March signals the start of spring on the calendar and spring reminds me of chicks....ever heard the term spring chickens....anyway....I decided to select a cool pix of our Dino with a very lovely young chick who seems to love our great man very, very much...and Dino seems to be pleased with her as well. Pallies, let me know what you think of this Dinochoice...and I like make a Dinopromise that I will post an April Dinopix early next Dinomonth.


  1. Hey pallie DMP. It was great to see a Dinopix for March even it came at the end of the month. lol Great choice, my friend. I love this one. I've never seen it before. We know our Dino loves the chicks and the chicks love him. What a hot babe she is too. I love this pix. So cool, hip, and randy. I can't wait to see what you pick for April. Just try not to wait until the end of the month. Just kidding. lol Happy April Fool's Day!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, well thanks again dude for stoppin' by and sharin' your Dinopassion and Dinopatter...yeah, I love this Dinopix so much...our Dino and a young chick...what could be more spring-like?

  3. Great site, pallie. I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for visiting mine.

  4. Hey pallie Dave, dude like thanks so much for droppin' by the ol' Dinoblog and come by any ol' Dinotime....loves your Dinostory...nothin' cooler then bein' like our Dino!

  5. Off topic....In case you haven't seen this, of Dino and Roger Miller.

  6. Hey pallie AOW, thanks for the Dinotreat....I have seen it before..but it is such a Dinoclassic Dinoclip...loves our Dino's trailer....the coolest, hippest, and randiest!!!! Thanks for droppin' by...

  7. Hey pallie Dino...I like your site..
    Love from Istanbul/Turkey

  8. Hey pallie aydin, loves to have you visit my Dinolovin' cool to have an Instanbulite diggin' our Dino!!! Stop by any ol' Dinotime!!!
