Saturday, January 26, 2008


Hey pallies, our Dino is the wisest of the wise philosophers. I think we so often take Dean Martin's songs as just fun tunes to listen to. But, so, so many of our Dino's songs are full of such Dinowisdom. Case in point, in this marvelous Dinoclip our Dino shares is ever so wise Dinoadvice on how to be a great lover. You gotta give a little, laugh a little,..... So pallies, sit at the feet of our Dino and let our great man share his amazin' Dinoamore Dinowisdom with you. Loves it, pallies, loves it!


  1. You are so Dinoright. Our Dino has Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and the rest of them beat. There is nobody as wise as the King of Cool. While his songs might be a catchy tune or a love ballad, they all come with a deep message. We would be wise ourselves to really pay attention and listen to the teaching that our Dino is trying to share with us. Thanks for posting this.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, can't thank you 'nough for those wonderful Dinowords of Dinoaffirmation. Indeed, there is none wiser then our Dino....and he always shares his Dinotruths in the coolest ways. So glad to have a Dinobro like you man, who knows, loves, and tries to live the fullness of the Dinolife!
