Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dean Martin Drive and Jerry Louis Way

Wedding Portrait ^g^
Hey pallies, did all your dudes know that in 'Vegas both our Dino and the jer have streets tagged after them. Read this cool story 'bout how our Dino is still comin' out with more respect then the jer. If you prefer, click on the title of this Dinopost and read it in it's original Dinoform.

Jerry Lewis just can’t get any respect. There was a fatal auto accident on Jerry Lewis Way at 3:00 a.m. this morning, but the press release issued by Metro police spelled the street like this: “Jerry Louis.”

At least the misspelled street namesake is in good company when it comes to asphalt memorials: The cross street for the accident? Dean Martin Drive.

And yes, they spelled Dean Martin right. Rat Pack members — even from beyond the grave — are still royalty around here.

We can almost hear Lewis now:

“Hey OF-ficer!”

Discussion: 1 comment so far...
By dino_martin_peters
1/31/08 at 7:15 a.m.
Suggest removal hey pallies, thanks for the cool Dinostory, and I guess it just goes to Dinoshow who is the cooler of the two....never was, never will be anyone as cool as the King of Cool....oh to return to the days when Dino walked the earth!


  1. Hey pallie. It doesn't surprise me. Who is going to remember the Jer compared to our Dino. There's no competition there at all. I wonder if the Jer heard about them calling him Jerry Louis. I bet he blew his stack. Dean Martin Drive and any other road named after the King of Cool is where I want to take my ride.

  2. hey pallie keith, yeah, can't you just see the jer when he finds this out....just 'nother sign of how our Dino's legacy will live forever! Yeah, I wanna be wherever our Dino is!
