Friday, August 03, 2007

Dean Martin -- Forever Cool Tease

Hey pallies, I noticed that the last copy of this clip was not workin' Dinoproperly, so thought I'd post the youtube version!


  1. Hey pallie DMP! Thanks for sharing this with us. I put it in a bulletion on MySpace. This looks great. I can't wait. It's cool to see so many stars talk about how wonderful the King of Cool and his music are. Dino is certainly timeless. He will live on forever.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, thanks for droppin' by....I was just so Dinothrilled to find this clip at several sites on the many will learn of the new Dinotrib album and be drawn to true Dinodevotion...especially today's youth!!!

  3. Hey Pallie

    great great site I will add You as a link...2 questions do you know where I can get the text of the article by "BILL ZEHME" The Importance of Being Dino" and what have you heard will be on the dvd of this duets cd/dvd cheers

  4. Hey pallie Joe, thanks for stoppin' by. I have searched the web long and hard to find the text of Zehme's Dinoarticle for Playboy. What you see is a teaser of what is planned for the whole and footage of Dino, along with the artists who share the spotlight with Dino sharin' their thrill at workin' with the King of Cool. Hope you will stop by again, and thanks for the link!

  5. I love it but one thing no one said in the clip...He is cool, he is handsome, he is ..... But hey, he was SEXY.... I mean, he had it all ☺

  6. Hey Kathleen Marie, indeed Dinogirl, so are very correct...thanks for droppin' by and leavin' some patter!

  7. This is awesome...thanks for posting. The Shelby Lynne track sounds great and it's obvious how much Robbie loves Dean.
    I just posted a bit on my blog about it and will do a long look at it when it arrives...I alerted everyone to keep checking here for updates...Keep up the great work pallie...

  8. Hey pallie Jeremy, thanks for stoppin' by and yes, I have read and responded to your Dinopost over at your great blog mooninthegutter. Will be sure to try and keep this Dinoblog updated with all the Dinonews of this Dinorelease. Thanks for bein' such a faithful of Dino and this ol' Dinoblog!

  9. Hey pallie,

    I thought you might like to go meandering over to my blog, "The Cartoon Cave" to see my caricature of Dino, Frank and Sammy from their flick, "Robin and the 7 Hoods".

    Here's the link:

  10. Hey pallie Pete, will have to do that thanks so much for droppin' in!

  11. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I love to hear about other Dino fans! There's many more of us out there than I ever knew! Love it!

  12. Hey pallie Kari, thanks for droppin' by....yes it is always so great to learn of others who are lovin' our Dino....and the numbers of Dinofans grows daily!
