Monday, May 14, 2007

Dean Martin: The last 10 minutes of his career

Hey pallies, here comes our Dinobaby back again....the last tour. Oh, how we love our Dino!!!


  1. Thanks for posting that. It was really nice to see that. I do wish I could have seen Dino in concert. It's sad what happened to Dino's boypallie and the toil it took on our Dino. I think even in this clip that Dino doesn't look quite himself. The sparkle is dimming out some. You can tell that he's trying to be the old Dino, but his heart is still mourning the loss of his boypallie. Of course we know he left the reunion tour quickly. It's so sad.

  2. Gosh, I could have been in the audience! Dean Paul played Bally's for three nights in July, 1991. I caught the Friday show. I think he played one last time, but am not sure. I was right next to the stage and grabbed his hand as he exited stage right after the show. Haven't washed that hand since.

  3. God, what style..right to the end. Amazing...At least ole Dino had the wisdom to quit at the top, though that's not the commom perception.

  4. Hey pallie Keith, thanks for again droppin' by the ol' Dinoblog and sharin' your Dinowisdom. Indeed this is not the vibrant King of Cool that we both love so much. Dino just didn't have his heart in it like he did in former Dinodays.

  5. Hey pallie Anonymousbuyer, this is not actually Dino's last performances, but of his short lived "reuniion" tour. So you actually did see our Dino in cool is that...and even shake his hand....if that had been me, I wouldn't have washed my hand either!!! Thanks so much for droppin' bye and leavin' some Dinopatter.

  6. You can tell that Dino's heart just isn't in it anymore. He's going through the motions, while trying to still be the Dino we all know and love. He just didn't seem like he wanted to be there. His cool and vibrant swagger was missing. I hate to say it, but he seemed like a sad old man.

  7. Hey pallie Keith, it is quite sad to see this Dinoclip, and perhaps that is why our Dino had the great sense to quit the tour. And, our Dino would not want to be remembered this way I am sure.

  8. It almost breaks my heart to see this, but thanks for sharing anyway. I've never seen it before.
