Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dean Interview 1987 part 3

Dino speaks of the tradegy of Dino Jr.'s death.


  1. This really touched me. We know how much Dino Jr. meant to Dino. His boypallie's death, along with some other things, helped lead to the decline of Dino's own health and his will to life. I'm sorry that it happened.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, so Dinotrue. But, I found it so Dinointerestin' that Dino says that he and Jeanne are fatalists and thus must just have accepted it.

  3. hey, dino pallie, thanks for posting. you're a dino-fountain of new stuff. i remember taking dino jr's death pretty hard myself, which is a little odd, but there it is. interesting about being fatalists. que sera sera....

  4. Hey pallie anonymousbuyer, thanks so much for droppin' by the little ol' Dinoblog. I am so grateful for pallies over at youtube who are uploadin' such cool Dinostuff....the least I can do is try to post the best of it for other Dinolover like you to enjoy. Yeah, I was a bit taken by surprise by our Dino's "fatalists" comment...but then Dino always lived his life on the edge.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. do you know if this video is still available anywhere else

  7. Ma'am at this point in history, I am unaware of this bein' available on the web. Often these vids go on and off of youtube. Thanks for droppin' by ilovedinomartin..and Miss Catherine, keeps lovin' our Dino!
