Sunday, July 28, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Grazie, Prego, Scusi"

 Hey pallies...what's new & excitin'?! Haha!! 

My ol' boss used to asked me that EVERY mornin'. Used to crack me up 'cause back in those days...there were ALWAYS new & excitin' thins' happenin'! ALL the time! Hahaha!!! 

Oh well, mi's all part of bein' young & carefree, I suppose. 

Not a worry in the world. Just good times.  

Nothin' better than that feelin', pals. Youth is priceless. 

What we ALL need to hold onto that youthful vibe...always! Or...we can try to get it back. Oh, it can be done, my friends! Don't forget...we gots us a card up our sleeves. DINO! Yup! Good ol' Dean will keep us young forever! Maybe not in body...but in mind! 

Don't EVER lose that passion for life, pallies! 

And guess what your pallie, Danny G., has figured out?...Music is the key! Dean's music! 

Let me show youse what I mean. 

Last week, I told youse I was gonna take your mind off the sweatin' & the stressin'. Well, pals...Danny G. would NEVER lie to his Dino-diggin' pals! I gots us just the right cure, for those Summertime blues, my friends! 

A big dose of some "Grazie, Prego, Scusi"! 

This tune is SURE to get that youthful PEP back into your STEP! 

The heat & the "agita" will melt away. 

The weight of the world will be lifted... & a NEW & IMPROVED you, will emerge! Haha!! 

I'm tellin' youse, mi amici...Dino has the power! 

Let today's bouncy little Serenade be the start of a NEW youth minded life! It's easy on the brain & carefree...just the way life should be! Maybe once was. Let's try our best to get it back, pallies! 

Once you feel that zest for life...youse'll NEVER let it go 'gain! 

Mind over matter, my friends! Dino-mind, that is. 


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "What Can I Say After I Say I'm Sorry?"

 Hey, pals! What's shaken?! 

Ice cold martinis...Hopefully! Haha!! 

So...pallies o' mine...are youse diggin' these big, BEA U TI FUL sun-filled days? 

Heat & all?! 

Yup...thins' is DEF I NATE LY gettin' HOT!!! 

Are youse hittin' the beaches & boardwalks? Carnivals & pools? Maybe even just findin' some shade...& chillin' with a little vino & a LOTTA Dino! 

Yes, pals...that's all youse really need! 

Warm breezes & our main man comin' out your speakers. Good 'nough for me! 

Summer is whatever youse wants it to be. It's just a time to relax & inhale life. Take all the stress...from all year long...& just let it float away. It's somethin' we all need to do! Not easy...believe me...I KNOW! Haha!! But...we can do it, my friends. 

Think it's 'bout time I jump back to Dino's 1966 al b um, "The Dean Martin TV Show", for a nice...easy tune. That's SURE to help youse shake off life's "agita". 

Now, let me see... Hmmmmm... So many GREAT jams on this one. I'm lookin' for a soft one, though. Gotta help my Dino-diggin' paisani put their brains on ice & just chill! Hmmmmm.... Got it! How's 'bout a nice...soothin'...dose of "What Can I say After I Say I'm Sorry?". 

I thinks this will do just PER FECT LY! 

It's slow & easy...It's gentle on the mind...IT'S COMFORTIN' TO THE SOUL, PEOPLE!!! Whoa Whoa Whoa, Danny G.! This is s'posed to be relaxin'...& I'm gettin' ALL worked up, here! Haha!! Cants help it, pallies! Dean get's me pumped!!! Ha! 

OK...chill mode, now. 

Breathe this one in, my friends. Hold it in your lungs...then let it all out. It's SURE to remedy all the day's stress. 

Oh & by the way...I is playin' two vids. One from the al b um & one live. Couldn't help myself pals! 

Stay cool, mi amici. 


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Marina"

 What's up, pallies...what's shakin'? 

How's July doin' for youse? 


Great, maybe? 

Cool! Me too! 

Cants' get me 'nough of these HOT HOT Summertime days! 

The only thin' I is missin'...And I means the ONLY thin' some Fun Fun & Sexy cool Matt Helm flicks! I haven't come 'cross any, this whole swingin' season! What gives?! 

Now, pals...your probably gonna ask..."Danny G...don't youse own "The Matt Helm Lounge" dvd's?!" And I is gonna answer..."OB VI OUIS LY, pallies!"'s the thin', mi amici. It's just SO SO much more thrillin'...& excitin'...& hysterically zany...when ALL us Dino-holics can watch together! 

Yea, I know, I know... kinda silly of me. 

But, my's the plain truth! 

I'm feelin' my happiest & mostest comforted,  knowin' that all youse,  gets to watch these GREAT GREAT & Maniacal Helmer-flicks,  as I is watchin' them myself! 

Youse dig, pals? 

I love to share Dino! It's how it should be! Right?! Definitely. 

So...All that bein' said...I thinks I have a solution. For this week's swingin' Summertime Serenade... I not only picked Dean's TOTALLY hip pool party type jam, "Marina"...I also found it set to my FAVE of FAVE Helm flicks, The Silencers" for a vid! Yes! 

The gods have come together to create this one, pallies! Marina + Silencers = TOTAL SUMMERTIME FUN!!! 

Dino is lookin' GREAT & being funny & silly as ever in this! Haha!! 

Just his facial expressions alone get me rollin'! LOL!!! 

So just sit back...relax...drink in hand & toes in some sand. It's time to pick this season up a notch! 

Ciao, pals! 


Sunday, July 07, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Where Can I Go Without You?"

 Well, Hey there pallies o' mine! 

Nice to see we all made it safely through 'nother firecrackin' celebration of our independence! Actually, not much celebratin' for Danny G., this year, mi amici. Just chilled out at home, as the neighbor's fireworks scared the heck out of my poor little puppy! Ugh! 

But...our independence STILL must be greatly appreciated, pals! 

Independence to crank up MUCHO Dino-tunes, that is! Haha!! 

Now...I say it's 'bout time we REALLY kick off this Summer! Time to break out those "o-so-mellow" Dino tracks! Youse know the one's I mean, pals. The "sit back & melt into your seat" jams. 

These hot & muggy days can be physically & mentally drainin', my friends. We need Dino-replenishin'! Don't worry, pallies...I gotcha. 

I'm SURE youse all know...That it truly gives me such a COOL COOL vibe sharin' these COOL COOL tunes with my fellow Dino-holics. Week after week...month after month...& year after year! TRULY inspires me to keep the Dino-flow flowin' & keep the Dino-movement growin'! Why else would I be here?! Haha!! 

Oh & btw, pallies...I watched the John Gotti flick this week, starring' John Travolta...& man o' man...what a soundtrack! Lots o' Dino-tunes throughout the movie! He actually did a good job playin' Gotti, too. Definitely worth a watch...for the Dino-jams at least. Haha!! 

So, pals...if youse is ready...allow me to ease us into the vibe with one of Dean's super sultry Serenades. 

Today's Serenade, "Where Can I Go Without You", was plucked from my own personal FAVE Summertime Dino vinyl..."The Lush Years". Can't go wrong with ANY tune from this one, my friends! It's just pure Dino-perfection! 

Let's jump right into it! 

Let Dean take youse on his eternal flight.

He's wanderin' & wonderin'...not sure what lies ahead...just floatin'. 

Grab hold of his star, pals! Shoot through the skies with Dino! It's a never endin' journey. "Senza Fine"...without end! 

We'll do it together! Us & Dino! 

Stop for a drink on any random cloud...then we is off, 'gain! 

Hold on tight, mi we's go!!!